The Department of the Air Force (DAF) published a Notice of Availability for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in the Federal Register on June 14, 2024 and held a 45-day public review period for the Draft EIS, which ended on July 29, 2024. All comments received during the public review period for the Draft EIS are being considered in preparation of the Final EIS, and substantive comments will be addressed in the Final EIS. The Final EIS is anticipated in Spring 2025. Additional information on the Draft EIS Public Review Period that was conducted is provided on this page below.
The DAF conducted a public review period, beginning on June 14, 2024 and ending on July 29, 2024, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Council on Environmental Quality's NEPA regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations 1500-1508).
The DAF requested comments from local and federal agencies, political stakeholders, and interested members of the public and held two public meetings, one in Dededo and one in Yigo, to provide the public with the opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide input. The public meetings were held in an “open house” format for the duration of each meeting, and all members of the public were invited and encouraged to attend. Written and verbal comments were accepted at the meetings.
Materials prepared for the public review period are included here and are still available for download on the Resources page of this website for the duration of the project. The Draft EIS was also available for review at the following libraries: Nieves M. Flores Memorial Library, 254 Martyr Street, Hagåtña, GU 96910; and University of Guam Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Government Documents, Tan Siu Lin Building, UOG Station, 303 University Drive, Mangilao, GU 96923.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 was enacted to address concerns about federal actions and their effects on the environment.
NEPA’s main objectives are as follows:
What is an EIS?
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is the most detailed analysis prescribed by the regulations implementing NEPA.
An EIS is a detailed public document describing:
Steps in the EIS Process
What is the Public Review Period?
The DAF has published a Notice of Availability in the Federal Register for the Draft EIS for the F-15 Beddown and Infrastructure Upgrades at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), Guam. The DAF is the lead agency for the EIS and the Department of the Navy is a cooperating agency.
What Happens After the Public Review Period Has Ended?
After the public review period has ended, the DAF will consider the comments received in the preparation of the Final EIS. All comments received within the public review period for the Draft EIS will be considered, and substantive comments will be responded to in the Final EIS. The DAF considers a comment to be substantive if it:
The Final EIS and a Record of Decision on the Proposed Action are expected in Spring 2025. A Record of Decision could be signed no sooner than 30 days after the Final EIS is released.
Project Background
Purpose and Need
General Description of the Proposed Action
Figure 1: Overview of Locations on Andersen AFB Selected for Infrastructure Upgrades
The DAF reviewed requirements for strategic capabilities within the Indo-Pacific region and dismissed five other potential alternative locations within the Pacific Air Forces area of responsibility (i.e., Iwo To [formerly known as Iwo Jima], Japan; Saipan, U.S.; Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory; Wake Island, U.S.; and Hawai‘i, U.S.) from consideration. Once Andersen AFB was identified for enhanced strategic capabilities, the DAF considered multiple locations on Andersen AFB for construction of infrastructure upgrades, and considered renovation or replacement of existing infrastructure. Only the Proposed Action was determined to meet the selection standards for infrastructure upgrades. The Draft EIS also analyzes a No Action Alternative, in addition to the Proposed Action.
Proposed Action:
North Ramp Infrastructure
Approximately 80 acres of paved surfaces; 16 acres of stormwater management infrastructure; and 96 acres that would be cleared, graded, revegetated, and maintained.
Figure 1: Proposed North Ramp
Infrastructure Upgrades
Proposed Action:
Munitions Storage Area-1 Infrastructure:
Approximately 2 acres of paved surfaces; 1.5 acres of stormwater management infrastructure; 2.3 acres of temporary disturbance to support construction; and 11.2 acres that would be cleared, revegetated, and maintained.
Figure 2: Proposed MSA-1 Infra-
structure Upgrades
F-15 Beddown:
The following topics were analyzed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS):
Biological Resources
Cultural Resources
Water Resources
Social Resources
Other Considerations
Summary of Impact Analysis
The Department of the Air Force conducted cultural and natural resources surveys in the areas proposed for upgrades and is consulting with appropriate resource agencies to determine the potential for significant impacts on those resources and corresponding mitigation measures, as needed. It is not expected that the Proposed Action would have significant impacts on other topics analyzed in the Draft EIS.
Comments, questions, and relevant information are welcomed on the Department of the Air Force’s (DAF) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the F-15 Beddown and Infrastructure Upgrades at Andersen Air Force Base (AFB), Guam. The DAF also welcomes comments under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR 800) regarding the identification of or effects on historic properties. Please submit comments in English using one of the following methods:
The Draft EIS and associated public materials are available on the project website for browsing or download. Requests for printed materials can be made using the methods above. For printed materials, the standard U.S. Postal Service shipping timeline will apply. Please consider the environment before requesting printed material.
To ensure the DAF has sufficient time to consider public input, please submit comments by July 29, 2024.
Thank you for your participation in the Draft EIS public review period for the F-15 Beddown and Infrastructure Upgrades at Andersen AFB!
Existing Conditions:
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Figure 1: Limestone Degraded Forest with Native Trees in the North Ramp Project Area |
Surveys were conducted in North Ramp and MSA-1 in 2021 and 2024 to characterizevegetation communities and fauna, and document presence or absence of Guam or federally listed species. Surveys documented presence of:
Anticipated Impacts:
Vegetation: Loss of native vegetation and habitat; would also reduce native seed and pollen sources and increase the opportunity for spread of non-native species.
Wildlife: Physical disturbance and construction-related noise, lighting, and dust emissions during construction. Long-term habitat loss, modification, and fragmentation would impact wildlife.
Special Status Species: Degradation or modification of available supporting forest habitat, affecting both plant and animal special status species. In consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, DAF is identifying specific conervation measures to address effects on special status plants and loss of forest vegetation. Conservation measures could include:
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Figure 2: Cycas micronesia in North Ramp Area |
Figure 3: Tabernaemontana rotensis |
Existing Conditions:
Anticipated Impacts:
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Figure: Aircraft Noise Contours for Andersen AFB with the Proposed Action |